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Start a Society

Do you want to create a new club?

Student associations aim to enrich student life on campus, and cultural associations promote diversity within our community. IEAC offers resources and opportunities for sub-associations to build social ties and encourage cultural diversity. If you can't find a club that represents your community, here's how to start a new one!

Initial Verification

Many cultural and non-cultural clubs exist at Concordia. Make sure your idea is unique by consulting the Concordia student group list . IEAC will not approve clubs with overlapping mandates. For queries, contact

Required Documents for Club Proposal
Submission and Assessment

Submit the completed proposal to the Clubs Administrators for assessment. You can email the documents to or drop them off at the IEAC office. For office hours, visit our Facebook page .

Review Process

After initial assessment, your proposal may be returned for corrections. Once finalized, it will be presented to the Board of Directors for approval.


The approval process may take up to a month. Make sure to address all points in your cover letter for a comprehensive evaluation by the Committee.